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Murder Ink sticky notepad and pen

Murder Ink sticky notepad and pen

When I first saw it in the "Citée des Sciences" shop (Paris), I immediately thought that the main problem was what to do with the pen when you start running out of pages... but nevertheless, I still think it's a pretty cool gadget! You can purchase your...

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Butt Station - the desk organizer

Butt Station - the desk organizer

The Butt Station Desk Organizer is a funny yet handy device to own on your desk. He will bite your pen in his mouth, while holding a tape dispenser at his hands and feet. A stack of Post-Its can be placed behind his porcelain throne, while paper clips...

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Barbie's new carrier!

Barbie's new carrier!

Barbie's now a computer engineer!! =D Barbie recently asked her Twitter followers and fans on Facebook what her 125th and 126th jobs should be. The winner of the popular vote is Computer Engineer. Computer Engineer Barbie, debuting in Winter 2010... The...

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Flexible Love

Flexible Love

FlexibleLove is a expandable chair, designed by Chishen Chiu, made almost entirely of cardboard. Stretch and fold your accordion-chair about ten times and it will reach its maximum length. Here is the video, if you want to see a few possibilities and/or...

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